The relevant statement he was made on Telegram. In his words, several hours ago, Russian troops used chemical weapons in Mariupol, namely within the Azovstal plant.
“Talking of the practical side of the strike, it was small. Three persons are showing the clear signs of poisoning with warfare chemicals, but no catastrophic effects. These idiots [Russians - Ed.] cannot even use the weapons of mass destruction properly. Talking of the moral side, this indicates the cowardice of Russians only,” Biletsky told.
Read more: Russia Continues to Use Prohibited Phosphorous and Cluster Munition in Ukraine

In his words, Russia’s use of such weapons shows they are unable to capture Mariupol, as well as defeat the Ukrainian military.
“They understand this will be spread across the globe. The entire world will get to know they are terrorists who violate numerous conventions… Hence, they are falling into despair, and they have nothing else to do but use indiscriminate prohibited weapons, as in World War I. But, nevertheless, Mariupol will win. Azov Regiment will win. Ukraine will win. Glory to Ukraine,” Biletsky stressed.

A reminder that, according to the Azov Regiment, Russian troops have recently dropped an unknown poisonous substance in Mariupol, using an unmanned aerial vehicle.
Earlier, Eduard Basurin, a Russian militant from the occupied city of Donetsk, announced it was necessary to block Mariupol defenders within the Azovstal plant and use chemical weapons against them.
The Pentagon cannot confirm reports that Russian forces have used a chemical weapon in Mariupol, but officials remain concerned about the potential Russian use of a possible strike involving chemical substances.
Read more: Russia's Troops Used Again Phosphorus Bombs in Ukraine