As the Atesh movement reported on its Telegram channel, a new missile plant is located in Moscow's bedroom community of Nekrasovka, in the Rudnevo industrial park.
"It is known that on the territory of the plant russians plan to assemble and test missiles of various types, primarily the air defense missiles. The territory occupies almost 100 thousand square meters. Even in this case, russians did not miss the chance to hide behind civilians, as the facility is located in a residential area, in 500 meters from residential houses," the Atesh stated.
Read more: New Anti-Drone Protection of Moscow: S-400, Pantsir and Arctic Vehicles
The occupiers say they plan to start production of missiles by October 2024, but according to the Atesh`s information, the factory is already producing attack drones and missile components.
According to Atesh, the information obtained will be used to destroy the aforementioned military facility.
Earlier Defense Express reported that New Industrial Hall Built in Moscow, Potentially to Produce Modified Missiles for S-400.
Read more: Methodical Strikes and Intriguing Tactics: Kamikaze Drones Attack Moscow Again