
​Over 48,000 Women Are Now Serving, Ukraine’s Military Is Reshaping Gender Norms in the Face of War

Illustrative photo / Photo credit: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
Illustrative photo / Photo credit: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

48,000 women are stepping up as military personnel and engaging in the fight for Ukraine’s sovereignty

The role of women in Ukraine’s military has evolved significantly, especially in light of the ongoing war with russia. Liudmyla Darahan, State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, highlighted these advancements during an international seminar on gender equality at the Richelieu Public Service Forum in Kyiv. According to Liudmyla Darahan, there are currently 68,000 women in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with over 48,000 serving as military personnel and around 5,000 directly engaged in combat zones.

Illustrative photo Defense Express Over 48,000 Women Are Now Serving, Ukraine’s Military Is Reshaping Gender Norms in the Face of War
Illustrative photo / Photo credit: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

As Ukraine continues to face a large-scale russian invasion, the integration of women into key military roles has accelerated. Women now serve in various capacities across the front lines and rear operations, proving their capabilities. Liudmyla Darahan emphasizes that women in the military are demonstrating that skills, effectiveness, and intelligence, not gender, should determine one’s contribution to national defense.

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