
​Convicted Collaborators Are Offered a Path Back to russia in Exchange for Ukrainians

A new initiative to facilitate the exchange of Ukrainians held captive in russia / Photo credit: The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine
A new initiative to facilitate the exchange of Ukrainians held captive in russia / Photo credit: The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

A new initiative to facilitate the exchange of Ukrainians held captive in russia

The Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, and the Secretariat of the Commissioner for Human Rights have presented a joint state project, I Want to Go Home, which will facilitate the return of Ukrainians from russian captivity.

During the presentation, Andriy Yusov, a spokesperson of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, stated that the primary goal of the project is to publicize information about convicted russian agents, traitors and collaborators who cooperated or helped russian forces in the war against Ukraine.

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This information will be published on the project’s website – https://hochuksvoim.com, where convicted collaborators can use the “consent to exchange” option to agree to be exchanged for Ukrainians held in russian captivity.

A new initiative to facilitate the exchange of Ukrainians held captive in russia Defense Express Convicted Collaborators Are Offered a Path Back to russia in Exchange for the Ukrainians
A new initiative to facilitate the exchange of Ukrainians held captive in russia / Photo credit: The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

Through this project, citizens will also learn about the possibility of ceasing forced cooperation with the enemy and how to inform law enforcement about enemy agents in their surroundings to prevent further crimes.

All that is required is to find and fill out a special form on the website. To effectively achieve the set goals, information about convicted russian agents, traitors and collaborators who agreed to the exchange to russia will be published on the project’s website.

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