
"Combat Liars" Play the Anthem and Conduct Propaganda: russian Occupiers' Yazykoved Acoustic Systems are Spotted in Kherson Region

russian Occupiers' Yazykoved Acoustic Systems
russian Occupiers' Yazykoved Acoustic Systems

This is not the first time when the enemy uses its "combat liar"

russians claim that they use the so-called Yazykoved acoustic system against the Ukrainian army. This is essentially the Tiger armored vehicle with a loudspeaker designed for disseminating typical russian propaganda.

Reminder that in mid-November, the Command of the Marine Corps of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine officially announced that Ukrainian Military Secured Positions on Several Bridgeheads on Kherson Region's Left Bank.

Read more: Ukrainian Military Secured Positions on Several Bridgeheads on Kherson Region's Left Bank
Yazykoved Acoustic System, Defense Express
Yazykoved Acoustic System / video screengrab

At this moment, russian occupiers in the Kherson region have decided to use their so-called "combat liar" for psychological impact, narrating about them in their propaganda stories.

Yazykoved Acoustic System, Defense Express
Yazykoved Acoustic System / video screengrab

russians claim that, in addition to their Yazykoved acoustic systems, they use leaflets and internet accounts for propaganda. So, this is indeed once again a reason to remind about the need to carefully and critically approach questionable information that may be part of russian Information-Psychological Operations (IPSO).

ZS-88 PsyOps Vehicle on the BTR chasis, Defense Express
ZS-88 PsyOps Vehicle on the BTR chasis / Illustrative photo from open sources

This is not the first time when occupiers use their "combat liar." For example, in 2022 near Izium, russian troops utilized the ZS-88 PsyOps vehicle. The invaders have come up with nothing better than to play the "anthem of the USSR" with these vehicles.

During the liberation of Kharkiv region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces captured one of such "combat liar" as a trophy, and another one was destroyed along with other enemy equipment by the HIMARS missile system.

Read more: Russian Troops Applied ZS-88 PsyOps Vehicle Near the Frontline in the City of Izium (Video)