
British Intelligence: Recent Ukrainian Attacks Weaken russian Air Defense in Crimea

The russian Air Force's Belbek Airbase in occupied Crimea / Photo credit: Christiaan Triebert
The russian Air Force's Belbek Airbase in occupied Crimea / Photo credit: Christiaan Triebert

Ukraine's successful attacks on Crimea have compromised russia's air defense system, leaving it unable to effectively protect its facilities on the occupied peninsula

On May 14, 2024, the Ukrainian Military conducted attacks against russian military targets on the illegally held territory of Crimea. Initial reporting suggests that elements of an SA-21 Air Defense missile battery at Belbek Airfield have been destroyed, including a GRAVE STONE radar and launchers, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

Launch of Ukrainian missiles at the russian invaders, Defense Express
Launch of Ukrainian missiles at the russian invaders / Open source illustrative photo

Additionally, reporting indicates that at least two MiG-31aircraft have been destroyed on the ground.

Read more: ​Ukrainian Partisans Confirm Strikes on Belbek Military Airfield in Temporarily Occupied Crimea

According to British intelligence, this is the fourth time in the last month that the russian Air Defense in Crimea has suffered losses, with the Ukrainian Armed Forces previously launching successful actions against the Ai-Petri Air Defense Radar site on May 12, 2024, and at the Dzhankoy airfield on April 16, 2024, and April 29, 2024.

The cumulative effect of these strikes has seen an overall degradation in the ability of russia to defend the airspace around Crimea; while simultaneously demonstrating Ukraine's ability to impact russian Air Defense operations.

The A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft, Defense Express
The A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft / Open source photo

It is highly likely that this will lead to russia having to disperse air assets to ensure survivability or risk losing more aircraft, while having to relocate Air Defense assets from elsewhere. The reduction of A-50U MAINSTAY aircraft coverage, and dispersal from Crimean airfields, will likely increase the flight hours and sortie rates of fighter aircraft patrols to gap-fill the coverage, which will lead to increased maintenance issues for their fleets.

Read more: ​The UK Defense Intelligence Analyzes Ukrainian Attack on the A-50U Aircraft Maintenance Facility in Taganrog