
Belarus Wants to Host the Topol And Yars Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

The RT-2PM Тоpol intercontinental ballistic missile system / Illustrative photo from open sources
The RT-2PM Тоpol intercontinental ballistic missile system / Illustrative photo from open sources

The Ministry of Defense of Belarus even highlighted the location where to place ballistic missile systems with nuclear charges, which would be very convenient

The press service of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus released a threatening report giving a direct hint that the country wants to get the Topol strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles and its russian modernization Yars.

This event is served with talks about "evil NATO" and the strengthening of the Alliance's forces in Europe. And after the Su-25 attack aircraft, which were turned into nuclear weapons carriers, as well as the already transferred Iskanedr ballistic missiles, which violates two fundamental international agreements, they note that everything ready for deployment of new strategic missiles. Below is only this part of the 5-minute news report where a significant part is devoted to the speech of the country’s dictator.

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And the bottom line is that Belarus allegedly preserved the positions of at least the 56th Missile Regiment, which had been stationed in the area of Shereshevo since the 1960s. Initially, it was armed with R-12 missiles, in the 80s received RSD-10 Pioner-K medium-range systems, and after the signing of INF Treaty, it switched to the RT-2PM Topol, which were in the country until 1996. The location of this regiment is 27 km from the border with Poland.

Belarus Wants to Host the Topol And Yars Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war

At the same time, the absolute majority of other firing positions of the USSR's nuclear forces were located in Belarus in the western part of the country. It can be explained the following way: at that time, the border with NATO was 800 km from Belarus, as the border ran along the border between the GDR and Germany.

Belarus Wants to Host the Topol And Yars Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war

But it is interesting that in 2020, at the former positions of the 56th Missile Regiment, stalkers walked freely, posting loads of photos that showed the condition of firing positions and shelters, which were said to be used as a place to store the products of local farmers.

All in all, this object was not preserved, but was already restored by Belarus. And the reconstruction, if it really took place, means that Minsk really wants to place missile complexes there and has directed resources to it.

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