
​Ukraine Will Test New Weapons Right on the Battlefield

Illustrative photo: Leleka UAV of Ukrainian manufacture / Open source photo
Illustrative photo: Leleka UAV of Ukrainian manufacture / Open source photo

Ministry of Defense adopts a new policy to speed up the supply of new technologies into the Ukrainian Army and procurement of quadcopter drones particularly

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has announced that from now on, the paperwork manufacturers need to submit to start officially supplying their innovative defense products to the army has been significantly reduced, resulting in quicker procedures.

In a statement published on Telegram, the ministry specified that the exact time needed to adopt a new weapon may vary, depending on how well the manufacturers prepare documents, but generally, the whole process should shrink to 20 days at most.

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2S22 Bohdana artillery system is an example of a weapon fast-tracked into service due to the results itshowed in real combat
2S22 Bohdana artillery system is an example of a weapon fast-tracked into service due to the results it showed in real combat / Photo credit: 1st Special Purpose Brigade

Earlier it took several months and six stages, now the most time-consuming bureaucratic obstacle has been removed: the order on admission to operation. This one paper could take a whole month to get.

The processes have been expedited on the rest of the stages, too. For instance, now the manufacturer can carry out tests of their developments right on the battlefield. If the product proves effective, no additional tests will be required.

On a separate note, the ministry emphasized an important change to the procurement of unmanned systems in the "micro" and "mini" classes. These refer to civilian and dual-use drones, re-equipped for military purposes. Now, these types of drones can be bought regardless of whether they have been adopted and indexed by the armed forces or not.

Illustrative photo: Ukrainian drone operators prepare quadcopters for a reconnaissance sortie
Illustrative photo: Ukrainian drone operators prepare quadcopters for a reconnaissance sortie / Photo credit: ArmyInform
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