
​Ukrainian Police Pyrotechnics Get Valuable Gift from Poles on MSPO 2023, Wiktoria Explosion-Proof Container

Symbolic handover of the explosion-proof container to the Ukrainian side. Wiktoria explosion-proof container on Zasław chassis in the background / Photo credit: Targi Kielce
Symbolic handover of the explosion-proof container to the Ukrainian side. Wiktoria explosion-proof container on Zasław chassis in the background / Photo credit: Targi Kielce

International Defense Industry Exhibition in Kielce witnessed the ceremony of handing over the antifragmentation container. The Polish companies - Jakusz, Zasław TSS, Targi Kielce and the Ukrainian JSC Kyiv Radio Plant were involved in the project.

- Since the war started, we have tried to help our Ukrainian friends. Having observed the situation, we know that demining cannot wait for the war's end, but must be done now. The consequence of this conclusion is the transfer of the container to our friends from Ukraine. This solution serves Polish sappers and I hope that it will be an element of saving lives in Ukraine - said Bartosz Jakusz, president of the Jakusz company from Kościerzyna.

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Ukrainian Police Pyrotechnics Get Valuable Gift from Poles on MSPO 2023, Wiktoria Explosion-Proof Container, Defense Express
"Ukraine needs such devices."Wiktoria explosion-proof container on Zasław chassis in the hands of police pyrotechnics / Photo credit: Targi Kielce

As Vice-President Marta Rados-Jakusz emphasized, Jakusz finds it an honour to design and deliver equipment to services that protect and enhance safety. – I mean military sappers, police pyrotechnicians, border guards and military police;I would like to thank all the co-donors-of-the-explosion-proof container. Without you this event would not be possible - she noted. She also addressed the representatives of police pyrotechnics from Ukraine: - Most of us will be back to our daily lives in a moment. Gentlemen, you will return to hard service. We are aware that a container is a drop in the ocean of needs, we hope this initiative is the beginning of equipping pyrotechnic services with specialized equipment - said Marta Rados-Jakusz.

The Wiktoria explosion-proof container is integrated with the Zasław chassis.-Polish company enjoys a rich tradition, beginnings date back 70 years. We deliver trailers, semi-trailers, and cargo trailers to the Polish and European markets. Experience and modern facilities allow us to provide specialist vehicles, including military vehicles - said Paweł Pilch, president of Zasław TSS. – We are particularly pleased with this initiative;when Mrs. Vice-President of the Jakusz approached us with this proposal, we did not hesitate long. Today we are pleased to hand over the Zasław chassis with the Wiktoria explosion-proof container manufactured by the Jakusz company. I am particularly glad that the vehicle can provide increased security in difficult conditions in Ukraine and support mine clearance tasks. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this noble initiative.

Ukrainian Police Pyrotechnics Get Valuable Gift from Poles on MSPO 2023, Wiktoria Explosion-Proof Container, Symbolic handover of the explosion-proof container to the Ukrainian side. Wiktoria explosion-proof container on Zasław chassis in the background, Defense Express
Symbolic handover of the explosion-proof container to the Ukrainian side. Wiktoria explosion-proof container on Zasław chassis in the background / Photo credit: Targi Kielce

President of Targi Kielce Andrzej Mochoń PhD. pointed out that transferring one container on one trailer has a symbolic meaning. - Bearing in mind that it takes place during the MSPO, when the eyes of the part of Europe interested in defence issues are focused on Kielce, the event gains importance. Kielce will send a signal to opinion-forming circles in Poland, to the government, to the governments of the European Union countries and to the authorities of the Union. This voice from Kielce, from the MSPO is a dramatic signal: Ukraine needs such devices. I hope this voice will be heard - said the president of Targi Kielce.

- I believe that the product will save many lives. This was the most important goal that we set for the implementation of the project - noted Mykhailo Kostyuk, vice-president of JSC Kyiv Radio Plant. This Ukrainian company is one of the founders of the product.

The ceremony was also attended by Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Poland Wasyl Zwarycz. - Today, one-third of Ukraine's territory is mined by the Russians, so the issue of mine clearance is particularly important for the effectiveness of our counter-offensive. And even more importantly, these mined fields pose a threat to civilians, to mothers and children - said the ambassador.- I would like to thank the Jakusz company and all the founders of this container and I believe that it will save many lives. The name "Wictoria" is very meaningful. I hope that soon we will ser the victory for all of our Ukraine. Thank you Poland, Sława Ukrainie!

The Wiktoria anti-fragmentation container

is intended for the isolation and safe transport of unexploded bombs and misfires containing up to 10 kg of TNT equivalent / 152mm/155mm NATO artillery shell, undertaken by military clearance patrols or other engineering units. Effectively protects people and the environment against shattering debris in the event of an uncontrolled explosion of unexploded ordnance and, misfires and other dangerous explosives transported inside the container. The container mounted on the Zasław trailer can be used in various weather and climate conditions,on dirt roads and in urbanized areas.

You can find the Wiktoria explosion-proof container on Zasław chassis on the latest day of MSPO 2023 at the ZC-2 expo stand in Targi Kielce.

The Targi Kielce Exhibition & Congress Center is rated the second biggest in East-Central Europe, Poland is Ready for MSPO 2023 Defense Exhibition, They Estimates the Event As the Largest Show Ever, Defense Express
The Targi Kielce Exhibition & Congress Center is rated the second biggest in East-Central Europe / Photo credit: Targi Kielce

Defense Express Media & Consulting Company has been engaged with the Targi Kielce Exhibition & Congress Center and acted as an information partner for the MSPO International Defense Industry Exhibition since 2013.

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