
Russians Armoring Their BMP’s With Rabitz Chain Link Net

russia's BMP-2 with chain link net
russia's BMP-2 with chain link net

During the storming of Berlin, Soviet tankers welded on their vehicles everything, including armored beds, so the belief in the properties of chain link net in the role of an anti-cumulative screen is still alive

The art of armoring vehicles among russians reached the chain link nets that are now welded on the BMP-2, which is indicated by the corresponding photo with the artisanal welding of such conventional protection in field conditions.

According to the authors' idea, this product should protect the vehicle from cumulative rounds. But it can hardly help, since a cumulative grenade breaks through such a net and it will not affect the operation of its combat part in any way.

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Russians Armoring Their BMP’s With Rabitz Chain Link Net, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war

In order to counteract the cumulative warhead effectively, it must be cut, that is, the net must play the role of a knife, or it must cause premature detonation, which will reduce the impact of the cumulative jet. And the usual chain-link net or just stronger structures are incapable of this.

In particular, in 2016, russians themselves demonstrated that even light anti-tank grenade launchers ignore such decision.

Russians Armoring Their BMP’s With Rabitz Chain Link Net, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war

But it seems that now russia has its "own atmosphere" and some russian chain-link nets producers offer them to protect armored vehicles. And not only from cumulative strikes, but also from bullets of large-caliber machine guns, the main thing is to cover a tank or different vehicle with not one, but two layers.

Russians Armoring Their BMP’s With Rabitz Chain Link Net, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
The advertisement saying about covering an armored vehicle with two layers of chain link net for better protection

And although armoring with a chain link net is still not comparable to the use of a metal profile, automobile rims and parts from destroyed armored vehicles and even nets with stones on the T-72B3, the following photo deserves attention.

Russians Armoring Their BMP’s With Rabitz Chain Link Net, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war

In it is the same BMP-2 with upgraded "protection", but also with the usual net above. Its task is to prevent the detonation of a mine dropped from a UAV or to cause the detonation at a sufficient distance. Such nets installed above the equipment at a certain height can well fulfill this task and this must be taken into account.

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