A video of this UAV was published by a number of russian Telegram channels. As can bee seen in the video, this UAV is similar to the Ukrainian-made UJ-22 Airborn unmanned aerial vehicle already familiar to the occupiers.
The drone reportedly crashed, probably due to lack of fuel, and around 17 kg of explosives were found inside it. The latest fact is suggesting that the UAV was probably targeted to hit some specific target, but unfortunately did not reach it.
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As noted, the UAV was found in a forest massif of the Bogorod city district near the city of Noginsk, which is located about 40 km from Moscow. Thus, this UAV had to fly at least 490 km - the distance from the border with Ukraine.
This is not the first time that an unmanned aerial vehicle of this type has fallen in the russian federation hundreds of kilometers from the border with Ukraine. In particular, in February 2023, the UJ-22 Airborne fell 90 km from the capital of the occupiers.
Then the UJ-22 Airborne unmanned aerial vehicle flew a little less, covering a distance of 460 km from the border with Ukraine.
We will remind that the developers declare 800 km maximum radius of action of the UJ-22 Airborne drone - that is, in one direction (for example, as a kamikaze drone), this drone can cover a distance of 1,600 km.
It is possible that the cases of the fall of this drone on the territory of the russian federation may be related to attempts to understand how far the drone can fly, as well as to "test" the air defense of the russians, in particular near Moscow. So it can be expected that this UAV may cause explosions at many objects in the russian federation soon, those which are legitimate targets of strikes by Ukraine in the course of this unprovoked large-scale aggression of the russian federation against the neighboring country.
Find more details on the current situation of Ukraine-russia war in the latest Weekly Review by Defense Express:
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