Protesters for Georgia's pro-European course during rallies in Tbilisi, December 1–2, 2024 / Photo credit: Guram Muradov for Civil Georgia

​Georgia on the Crossroads of Gaining Freedom or Becoming russia's Backyard

Protesters for Georgia's pro-European course during rallies in Tbilisi, December 1–2, 2024 / Photo credit: Guram Muradov for Civil Georgia

Georgian people are in turbulent times of fighting for their historic choice between becoming a progressive European state or being inevitably absorbed by russia

The russian federation is a country imperial in its nature, it's no secret at this point. Much like other surrounding regions, the Kremlin believes that the Caucasus is part of its geopolitical interests and sees the nations living there not as partners but exclusively as subjects yet to be subjugated. That worldview has historically made russia an enemy of the Caucasian peoples, and Georgia is no exception.

For hundreds of years, the russian empire tried to conquer the Caucasus. The policy of genocide led to the deaths of millions of people, dozens of ethnicities were completely exterminated or russified, and millions of residents of this mountainous corner of Europe were forced to leave their homes and move to other countries.

Read more: ​Overview of Georgian Defense Forces, russian Troops in Georgia's Occupied Territories
Georgian refugees being evacuated by helicopters during a Ukrainian humanitarian mission in the mountains of Svaneti, 1993 / Defense Express / Georgia on the Crossroads of Gaining Freedom or Becoming russia's Backyard
Georgian refugees being evacuated by helicopters during a Ukrainian humanitarian mission in the mountains of Svaneti, 1993 / Open-source archive photo

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it seemed that russia had given up on its imperial aspirations. However, ever since Putin came to power, the former metropole has been experiencing an imperial renaissance, trying to restore its influence and territory within the borders of not even the USSR of 1991, but on its former monarchy scale as of 1913.

Having failed to absorb Armenia, which chose a pro-Western vector of development, Moscow is now trying to take revenge in Georgia, using the political situation to help pro-russian powers seize control by manipulating democratic mechanisms.

The so-called "elections" that took place this October in Georgia were, on the surface, completely democratic. However, in reality, the Kremlin's modern election technologies were used during the entirety of the election process, with a powerful disinformation campaign and psychological operation carried out — planned in Moscow and executed (perhaps not even entirely consciously) by individual Georgian politicians.

Ukraine has officially condemned and imposed sanctions on Bidzina Ivanishvili, leader of the Georgian Dream party, and his associates / Defense Express / Georgia on the Crossroads of Gaining Freedom or Becoming russia's Backyard
Ukraine has officially condemned and imposed sanctions on Bidzina Ivanishvili, leader of the Georgian Dream party, and his associates / Photo credit: Vano Slamov, AFP

Similar advanced election technologies have been used by russia in other countries, including Moldova and Romania. In Romania, after the discovery of covert russian informational, psychological, and technological interference, the results of the first round of the presidential election had to be annulled.

Georgia once won and defended its freedom and independence at a high price: the lives of thousands of its people. Therefore, no one has the right to disregard the choice of the Georgian people for the sake of their personal political gains, jeopardizing the future of the country and its citizens.

Moreover, the political powers that came to rule the country as a result of the "elections" have unequivocally declared a political pivot from a pro-Western course towards russia, abolition of democratic procedures in the future, and reduction of citizens' rights and freedoms, including the freedom of speech and assembly — all according to the russian totalitarian textbook.

At the end of the day, Georgia is a European country, it belongs in the family of free nations, in the European Union and the NATO security bloc.

Unfortunately, individual politicians and political powers, who have interests in mind other than those of the country and its people, seeking exclusively their own merit, are trying to stop Georgia's movement towards the free democratic world. The Georgian folk, however, understood their intentions and through peaceful protest are regaining power and a future for their country.

Peaceful protest in Georgia, photo from November 30, 2024 / Defense Express / Georgia on the Crossroads of Gaining Freedom or Becoming russia's Backyard
Peaceful protest in Georgia, photo from November 30, 2024 / Photo credit: Ezz Gaber
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