Anthony Albanese said Ukraine will be provided with additional military-technical assistance worth A$100 million.
"Today we are announcing an additional AUD 100 million in military and technical assistance to Ukraine. In total, we have already provided A$390 million," he said at a briefing in Kyiv, after meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Read more: Australia Gives More Armored Vehicles to Ukraine, Bushmaster and M113 APCs in List

"We are also providing an additional 14 armored personnel carriers as well as 20 Bushmaster armored vehicles. Thus, the total number of Bushmaster armored vehicles will be 60," he said.
According to the prime minister, Australia will also provide additional military equipment, drones.
"In addition, we will provide further assistance to the border troops of Ukraine – we will improve their equipment, the level of cyber security and improve control over the border," he said.

Late official web site of Prime Minister of Australia has published details of the new package of assistance to Ukraine. According to the publication Ukraine will get A$99.5 million (ap. $68 million) in military assistance , including 14 armoured personnel carriers, 20 Bushmaster protected mobility vehicles and other military equipment supplied by Australia’s defense industry. Australia also will make a contribution to NATO’s Ukraine Comprehensive Assistance Package Trust Fund. This brings Australia’s total military assistance to Ukraine to approximately A$388 million (ap. $268 million).

It was also said that another part of new package of assistance to Ukraine also include Aus A$8.7 million (US$6 million) to assist Ukraine’s Border Guard Service to upgrade border management equipment, improve cyber security and enhance border operations in the field.
According to official web site of Australian Prime Minister, Australia is the largest non-NATO contributor to Ukraine’s defense now.

Earlier Ukrainian soldiers said that Australia’s Bushmasters were ‘Like a house on wheels’.
Read more: Australia to Send Bushmaster Armoured Vehicles to Ukraine