
Ukraine's Defense Intelligence: russia is Increasing Pressure on Ukrainians Working at the ZNPP

The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station / Foto credit: Wikipedia
The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station / Foto credit: Wikipedia

The Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine informs about the situation at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

According to Ukraine's Defense Intelligence, russia is increasing pressure on Ukrainians working at the ZNPP to obtain russian passports and sign contracts with Rosatom (russian state nuclear corporation – ed.).

As per the demands of the russian occupiers, several hundred Ukrainian employees of the ZNPP are required to acquire russian passports from the aggressor state and sign contracts by December 31, 2023.

Read more: Ukraine Debunked a False Claim of Creating a Nuclear Armageddon at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant
The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant , Defense Express
The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant / Photo credit: The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

With the aim to pressure Ukrainian specialists, they apply psychological tactics, selectively revoking access to workplaces without prior notice, revoking their passes. And they have also created a Telegram bot for anonymous reporting among the employees of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

Meanwhile, discontent among russian power engineers is growing because of unfulfilled promises on the terms of business trips to the occupied nuclear power plant. Instead of two months, moscow orders them to work for six months and longer, as it is difficult for russia to find willing and qualified specialists to replace them.

Read more: ​Nuclear Blackmail at the Zaporizhzhia NPP Is Reaching its Extreme Limit