
​The UK Defense Intelligence Analyzed Major Wave of Missile Strikes Against Kyiv and Central Ukraine

The Tu-95MS aircraft / open source
The Tu-95MS aircraft / open source

First heavy bomber attack since September signals potential winter offensive

On the night of December 7, 2023, the russian Air Force conducted a major wave of strikes towards Kyiv and central Ukraine using its heavy bomber fleet, for the first time since September 21, 2023, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

These aircraft, highly likely Tu-95MS bombers, likely launched at least 16 air-launched cruise missiles (ALCMs) from their typical operating area over the Caspian Sea. The missiles were highly likely Kh-101, russia’s premier ALCM. Russia has almost certainly been stockpiling these missiles for use in the winter campaign.

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The consequences of night attack on December 8 Defense Express The UK Defense Intelligence Analyzed Major Wave of Missile Strikes Against Kyiv and Central Ukraine
The consequences of night attack on December 8 / Photo credit: Kyiv Police

This was probably the start of a more concerted campaign by russia aimed at degrading Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. However, initial reports indicate the majority of these missiles were successfully intercepted by Ukrainian air defense. Despite at least one civilian reported killed, the damage currently appears to have been minimal.

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