
Ukrainians Create a Portable EW Jammer to Take Down russian Drones and Lancet Loitering Munitions

Portable EW kit from Piranha-Tech​ / Photo credit: Piranha-Tech
Portable EW kit from Piranha-Tech​ / Photo credit: Piranha-Tech

Anti-drone protection of armored vehicles has become one the acute problems for the Ukrainian Defense Forces because while infantry can use a microwave rifle, a tank crew, for example, cannot afford such a thing, so they need a special type of EW system

Effective protection against enemy drones, especially those of the "suicide" type, can be provided in a number of ways. One of them is suppressing the control over unmanned vehicles and aircraft with various electronic warfare (EW) systems.

This method has been widely employed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including with portable tools – their so-called anti-drone rifles but using them requires not only seeing the drone but also following it along its way with a beam of directed energy emitted by this unusual "rifle."

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Ukrainian soldiers apply various futuristic-looking anti-drone weapons to deprive enemy drones of guidance, force them to stray from programmed route or completely take over the control
Ukrainian soldiers apply various futuristic-looking anti-drone weapons to deprive enemy drones of guidance, force them to stray from the programmed route or completely take over the control / Illustrative photo from the drills of Ukrainian marines, June 2023 / Credit: Ukrainian Navy

In some cases, it is difficult to implement, moreover, dangerous explosive suicide drones mostly attack enclosed armored vehicles. Logically, these vehicles need a special kind of EW equipment that doesn't need one to aim at the threat directly.

Ukrainian Piranha-Tech company specializing in anti-drone solutions has developed a portable EW system they called Piranha – Armored Vehicles Dome 360 designed specially for armored vehicles.

The Piranha – Armored Vehicles Dome 360
The Piranha – Armored Vehicles Dome 360 / Photo credit: Piranha-Tech

When installed on a vehicle, the equipment goes into the armored hull with only minimalistic antennas emerging to the outside. The device is declared to be capable of suppressing both radio communication and satellite navigation of UAVs.

Importantly, the Piranha – Armored Vehicles Dome 360 not only jams the standard channels used for controlling commercial quadcopters and FPV drones but also covers the frequencies at which Lancet loitering munitions operate. Furthermore, it shuts down GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo satellite navigation systems.

The power output of the EW kit is 150 to 250 W; it creates a protective field with a radius of 700 meters (~2,300 feet) for all 360°.

Considering the fact that this system is designed for broad application in real field conditions, it doesn't require frequent adjustments and an eye to always make sure it works properly.

The Piranha – Armored Vehicles Dome 360
The Piranha – Armored Vehicles Dome 360 / Photo credit: Piranha-Tech
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