
​Ukrainian Reconnaissance Spots North Korean Bulsae-4 Missile System (Video)

The Bulsae-4 system / screenshot from video
The Bulsae-4 system / screenshot from video

Russian forces utilize advanced missile system with high accuracy and range

Russian occupation forces have begun using North Korean Bulsae-4 long-range self-propelled anti-tank missile system against Ukraine. Photos of the launcher were published by KUP (+18) channel.

The complex was detected by Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance in one of the directions when it was in an open area.

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The Bulsae-4 system can hit targets beyond the line of sight at distances over 10 km. Due to the lack of precise data on North Korean weapons, some sources estimate the range of this system to be between 10 and 25 kilometers. This long-range capability allows it to attack armored vehicles from a safe distance.

The Bulsae-4 launcher consists of a rotating package of eight missile containers mounted on the chassis of North Korean M-2010 wheeled armored personnel carrier with a 6x6 wheel configuration.

The guided missile has large stabilizers and an attack mode that targets the top of vehicles, where the armor is thinnest. It uses an electro-optical head combined with command guidance via a fiber-optic cable for targeting.

The Bulsae-4 missile Defense Express Ukrainian Reconnaissance Spots North Korean Bulsae-4 Missile System (Video)
The Bulsae-4 missile / open source

This system allows the operator to manually control the missile via video. During the missile’s flight, the operator can see all terrain features and objects, bypass obstacles and hit targets beyond the line of sight or even behind cover. Constant video contact allows for retargeting if a higher priority target is identified. This also enables high accuracy in hitting targets at maximum range with the first shot.

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