A video has appeared in open access, which indicates that Ukraine’s fighters started using the M101 105mm howitzers, which Lithuania announced to supply at the beginning of September 2022. The M101 was produced during the Second World War, but found its place on the battlefields against the russian army, which is similar to the D-44 85mm howitzers, as Ukraine Weapons Tracker states.
The exact number of the M101 howitzers that Ukraine received from Lithuania is not disclosed. The Military Balance 2022 indicates that at the end of last year, the Lithuanian army had 18 units of the M101. But planned to decommission such artillery systems no earlier than when received the CAESEAR self-propelled guns ordered from France. But in this story, Lithuania decided to reconsider its priorities, and gave the M101s to the Ukrainian army.
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In service of the Lithuanian army, such artillery systems were used to support light infantry brigades. The M101 howitzers have a firing range of up to 11km, the rate of fire is 4-5 shots per minute, the weight in the combat position is 2.26 tons.
It is likely that such weapons in the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be used as part of air assault forces, similarly to the L119 howitzers received from Great Britain.
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