
Ukraine Will Get RAAM System from USA

M-777 howitzer / Illustrative photo
M-777 howitzer / Illustrative photo

On Thursday, US officials announced further aid to Ukraine, which includes $675 million in arms, munitions and equipment from existing Pentagon inventory

The drawdown includes a weapon not previously sent to Ukraine -- 1,000 “Remote Anti-Armor Mine (RAAM) System” shells that dispense anti-tank mines.

RAAM is a 155mm howitzer shell containing nine anti-tank mines.

Read more: ​New $675 Mln U.S. Assistance Package for Ukraine: Artillery, AGM-88 HARM, GMLRS and More

These mines can be delivered at ranges from 4 to 17.6 kilometers from the artillery battery position using either the M109 series or M198 or M777 series howitzers.

RAAMS is effective against armored vehicles. The mines are expelled from the rear of the projectile over the target. After ground impact and roll, the mine is armed and ready to detonate upon sensing a proper armored vehicle signature (electromagnetic). A percentage of the nine RAAMS mines are equipped with an antidisturbance device.

RAAMS is highly effective when used in conjunction with the ADAM mine, which helps prevent neutralization by enemy ground troops. There are nine RAAMS mines per 155-mm projectile. Minefield densities and self-destruct times are the same as ADAM (M741 short-destruct, M718 long-destruct).

Read more: ​Norway Transfers Hellfire Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine, Warriors of Ukraine’s Army are Already Trained and Ready to Use Them