
Russians Want to Weld Metal Cages For Their Tanks Again, But This Time Everything Will Be Done "Differently"

russians welded cages before February 2022 / Illustrative photo from open sources
russians welded cages before February 2022 / Illustrative photo from open sources

The russian occupiers want to upgrade tanks with metal cages at industrial level for protection against loitering munitions

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russian occupation army has been actively adding metal cages to their tanks: hand-made structures that were supposed to protect against the Javelin.

However, now tanks with such cages are almost unseen: the occupiers abandoned them due to a number of problems that actually turned them into mass graves. In particular, it was more difficult to quickly get out of the tank with them if necessary, there were also problems with radio stations, because the antenna was short-circuited by the cage, etc.

Read more: 328 Days of russia-Ukraine War – russian Casualties In Ukraine
Russians Want to Weld Metal Cages For Their Tanks Again, But This Time Everything Will Be Done
russia's T-90A tank with a "barbecue cage" / Illustrative photo from open sources

However, the occupiers want to return to this practice, but this time they say that the cages should be produced at industrial facilities. And that there is allegedly a hint that such constructions will be produced almost serially.

The reason for returning to such a decision is the active use on the battlefield of a number of means of destruction that come at the tank "from above": kamikaze drones or VOGs, which, although they do not destroy the equipment, are capable of rendering it incapacitated for a while. But the question is whether russians will be able to redesign their "barbecue cages" in such a way as to ensure the protection of their tanks and at the same time overcome all the problems that were found in the "earlier versions".

Russians Want to Weld Metal Cages For Their Tanks Again, But This Time Everything Will Be Done
A photo from the 61st armored repair plant workshop, a T-72B turret with several brackets that can be used to install upgraded metal cages

In fact, the issue of protecting armored vehicles from threats "from the sky" is quite relevant, as it is easily seen during the hostilities in Ukraine. And Western companies are already thinking about creating their new armored vehicles taking into account the new requirements of the battlefield.

Russians Want to Weld Metal Cages For Their Tanks Again, But This Time Everything Will Be Done
The RB301 by BAE Systems

In particular, BAE Systems is thinking about how to redesign their IFV, which will replace the Bradley, taking into account the need to install additional protection in the upper turret hemisphere, as well as high-energy lasers that will shoot down the UAVs.

Read more: Russians Want to Produce the Tu-214 Passenger Aircraft And the Tu-160M Strategic Bomber At the Same Plant to Keep Shelling Ukraine