Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine posted personal data of all captains of frigates, submarines, missile and patrol ships of the Russian Navy, who were involved in strikes using cruise missiles "Kalibr".
These attacks caused civil infrastructure destruction and civil casualties as well.
Read more: Day 13th of Ukraine's defense against Russia (Live Updates)

The ship list with unmasked military traitors is the following:
Russian frigate "Admiral Essen" of the Black Sea fleet - captain of the 2 rank Alexandr Smirnov, Ukrainian ID serial number AP 431936;
Russian frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" of the Northern fleet - captain of the 1 rank Igor Mikhailovich Krokhmal, Russian citizen;
Russian frigate "Admiral Kasatonov" of the Northern fleet - captain of the 2 rank Alexei Viktorovich Ryaboshtan, Russian citizen;
Russian small rocket ship "Graivoron" of the Black Sea fleet - captain of the 3 rank Gleb Alexandrovich Kozakov, had Ukrainian citizenship;
Russian submarine "Novorossiysk" of the Black Sea fleet - captain of the 3 rank Igor Igorevitch Shveda;
Russian submarine "Velikiy Novgorod" of the Black Sea fleet - captain of the 2 rank Sergei Mikhailov;
Russian submarine "Rostov na Donu" - captain of the 3 rank Alexandr Alexandrov, Ukrainian ID serial number AP 431936;
Russian petrol ship "Dmitriy Rogachov" of the Black Sea fleet - captain of the 3 rank Egor Vitalievich Tugarin, broke the oath and defected to the enemy in 2014;
Russian petrol ship "Vasiliy Bykov" of the Black Sea fleet - captain of the 3 rank Vitaliy Kozyakov (this ship is reported to be sunk thanks to our coastal artillery nearby Odesa).

Overall, accoring to the latest information of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, three Russian fregates (two of them are from the Northern fleet of the Russian Navy), one corvette, three submarines and one petrol ship were involved in launching "Kalibr" missiles. It seems that this data is incomplete. Previously, the General Staff of Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the ships from the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy performed missile strikes on our land as well.

Read more: Russian Chief of Staff Eliminated, Bayraktar TB2 in Action, Hunting for Russian Tanks - Highlights for the Night of March 8 (Video)