
​russia Unveiled Another Foam Drone that Has a Payload Capacity of 200 Grams

The IRT-Scout reconnaissance drone / open source
The IRT-Scout reconnaissance drone / open source

The IRT-Scout drone prioritizes distance over heavy equipment for recon missions

russian IRT (Integral Robotic Technologies) company unveiled its new IRT-Scout reconnaissance drone at the so-called Comprehensive Security international exhibition. This hand-launched drone features a distinctive foam body.

According to russian media, the developers highlighted that the foam body lowers production costs and simplifies field repairs. The drone is powered by an electric motor, enabling it to reach speeds of up to 90 km/h. It has a range of 50 km, an endurance of one hour and a payload capacity of 200 grams. No further details were provided about the drone’s specifications.

Read more: ​Ukrainian Warriors Destroy russian Т-90М Proryv Tanks with FPV-Drones, Some Tanks Trophied

Currently, russia is already deploying drones with foam components on the battlefield. Earlier this year, a kamikaze drone with a fuselage made of two aluminum tubes and a foam wing with a wingspan of approximately two meters was observed.

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