
​Robots with Triton Anti-UAV Jammers will be Helping russian Assault Squads

The Triton EW system mounted on a Varan UGV / Open-source photo
The Triton EW system mounted on a Varan UGV / Open-source photo

The russian invasion forces are working on new solutions and payloads for their robotic platforms

Denis Oslomyenko, CEO of Laboratory PPSh, stated that the russian invasion forces in Ukraine are using "drone suppressor robots" with the Triton electronic warfare system of the company's making. The products made by this russian enterprise are deployed in the no man's land beyond the forward line to provide evacuation teams with cover from enemy drone airstrikes.

Oslomyenko insists that the system is effective against both suicide-action FPV drones and bomber drones carrying droppable explosives. He also says there are two new concepts of unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) equipped with this jamming system, currently in development; these are devised to accompany either assault groups or special assault robots on the mission.

Read more: ​New AI-Powered EW Robot Created in russia: Capabilities

"In the future, they should appear en masse. But these EW robots that cover evacuation robots or mine-laying robots — they already exist and work in the SVO zone," Oslomyenko noted. Defense Express reminds that SVO stands for "special military operation," an official term adopted by Moscow to denote the war in Ukraine.

Considering the context, most likely, the system in question consists of a Triton electromagnetic interference suppressor mounted on a Varan UGV. A video and a photo of this invention were published by the Laboratory PPSh itself the other day. Although, they positioned the device to be not for protecting evacuation teams or robots but as an "effective EW system for covering assault groups."

For a brief reminder, the russian Triton system comes in a couple of different versions. The one that is planned to be installed on ground drones consists of two modules for creating interference — products LGSH-608 and LGSH-609, respectively.

The Triton EW system mounted on a Varan UGV / Defense Express / Robots with Triton Anti-UAV Jammers will be Helping russian Assault Squads
The Triton EW system mounted on a Varan UGV / Photo credit: Serhii "Flash" Beskrestnov

In the bigger picture, the russian forces tend to create more and more varieties of EW systems deployed by drones. For another example, recently the russians have revealed the Abzats — a new mobile electronic interference system incorporating elements of artificial intelligence enabling fully autonomous operation mode. The EW platform, named Abzats, allegedly can suppress "all operating frequencies used by Ukrainian UAVs."

The Abzats AI-powered mobile EW / Defense Express / Robots with Triton Anti-UAV Jammers will be Helping russian Assault Squads
The Abzats AI-powered mobile EW / Open-source photo

One more design envisaged in russia, is that of an electronic warfare platform based on a new amphibious vehicle "inspired by LuAZ-967," the prototype of this development should be presented at the Army-2024 expo in russia this August.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian forces are aware of these groundworks and try to respond with their own inventions. Particularly, there's already a solution that allows FPV drones to work even under the conditions of enemy electronic suppression. Defense Express reported that Ukrainian FPV drones employing the so-called "machine vision" technology are already on the frontlines and successfully destroy targets whilst affected by russian EW systems.

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