
​While russians Do Not learn from Their Own Mistakes, Ukrainian Partisans Can Easily Monitor Enemy Military Equipment

The occupiers` military equipment / Open source illustrative photo
The occupiers` military equipment / Open source illustrative photo

The Atesh partisan movement conducted reconnaissance in two largest cities of occupied Crimea. They managed to find a huge amount of invaders` equipment, including armored vehicles, communications vehicles and many others

The Atesh agents do not stop following a large occupiers` depot with equipment in Simferopol. There are such vehicles as the Tiger multipurpose all-terrain infantry mobility vehicles, cranes, Kamaz-5350 trucks, communications vehicles based on GAZ-66 chassis, shuttle vans as well as buses for the movement of personnel and many others there.

While russian Do Not learn from Their Own Mistakes, Ukrainian Partisans Can Easily Monitor Enemy Military Equipment, Defense Express
The russian depot with military equipment in Simferopol, Crimea / Photo credit: the Atesh partisan movement

"It is a quite bold move for occupiers, considering how often their depots get attacked, but it's even easier for us this way," the Atesh reported on its Telegram channel.

Read more: ​Ukrainian Partisans Conduct Reconnaissance in Occupied Crimea Discovering russia’s Radars, Military Equipment

Partisans have also reconnoitered a large fuel depot in Sevastopol. They recorded 33 fuel tanks that are located in an open area. There is a depot with military equipment in the amount of more than 10 units on its territory.

While russian Do Not learn from Their Own Mistakes, Ukrainian Partisans Can Easily Monitor Enemy Military Equipment, Defense Express
The russian fuel depot in Sevastopol, Crimea / Photo credit: the Atesh partisan movement

"We observe and analyze the schedule of fuel tanks and vehicles filling with fuels and lubricants to inform the Defense Forces of Ukraine," the statement reads.

The Atesh published the coordinates of the fuel depot in Sevastopol: 44.571220, 33.413880

While russian Do Not learn from Their Own Mistakes, Ukrainian Partisans Can Easily Monitor Enemy Military Equipment, Defense Express
The coordinates of the fuel depot in Sevastopol, Crimea / Photo credit: the Atesh partisan movement

The Atesh partisan movement actively oppose the russian invaders, conduct reconnaissance operating across swathes of occupied territory with the main mission to destroy the enemy as soon as possible. The movement regularly fulfills intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance (ISTAR) missions of varying degrees of complexity. All the obtained information is promptly transferred to the Defense Forces of Ukraine. The Atesh call on all conscious and not indifferent citizens of russia to join the movement to fight together the putin`s regime.

Defense Express reported that Ukrainian partisans had conducted reconnaissance in occupied Crimea discovering russia’s radars, military equipment.

Read more: ​russian Occupiers Store Their Howitzers Right at Train Station in Crimea, Ignoring Safety of Civilians