
U.S. Calls russia an "Acute Threat" to Its Security, Seeks to Improve Defense Against Cruise missiles and Upgrade Nuclear Arsenal

The Pentagon / Photo credit: Ken Hammond, U.S. Department of Defense
The Pentagon / Photo credit: Ken Hammond, U.S. Department of Defense

The United States officially reaffirms the concern about the threat russia brings to the world security

The U.S. Department of Defense has published the 2022 National Defense Strategy in which recognized the russian federation as an "acute threat" to its security and outlines several challenged emerging from the war started by russia invading Ukraine.

"The unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine clearly signals the re-emergence of a more militaristic Russia that seeks to overturn the post-Cold War European security system and challenge the broader rules-based international order. Through its hostile actions, Russia seeks to expand its control over portions of the former Soviet empire in order to reclaim what it regards as its rightful position on the world stage."

Read more: ​They Directly Say In the USA That Have Deployed Aircraft Carrier Strike Group in the Mediterranean Against russians (Video)

It should be noted that earlier this June NATO Summit recognized the russian federation as "the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security and to peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area".

The Pentagon is particularly concerned about russian extensive use of cruise missiles and developments of intercontinental ballistic missiles:

"Over the last 10 years, Russia has prioritized modernization of its intercontinental range missile systems and is developing, testing, and deploying new, diversified capabilities that pose new challenges to missile warning and defense of the U.S. homeland".

russian Yars RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile systems during the Victory Day military parade in Moscow in 2015 / Photo credit: AFP via Getty Images

In addition, the U.S. Department of Defense is warned about russian nuclear "saber-rattling":

"In brandishing Russia’s nuclear arsenal in an attempt to intimidate Ukraine and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Russia’s leaders have made clear that they view these weapons as a shield behind which to wage unjustified aggression against their neighbors."

A more detailed analysis of the issues that the Ukraine war highlighted as a litmus paper in regard to U.S. security coming on Defense Express soon.

Read more: The Kremlin's Nuclear Stick: What Are the Possible Targets russia Might Find in Ukraine to Use Tactical Nuclear Weapon
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