
​The UK Defense Intelligence Analyzes How russia Expands Recruitment Drive to Africa

russia’s recruitment campaign targets Central African nations / open source
russia’s recruitment campaign targets Central African nations / open source

russia’s recruitment campaign targets Central African nations

On May 28, 2024, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine reported that russia has intensified attempts to recruit Africans to fight in Ukraine. In particular these recruitment efforts focus on the central African countries of Rwanda, Burundi, Congo and Uganda. Russia is reportedly offering a sign-up bonus of $2,000, monthly pay of $2,200 and the promise of a russian passport, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

russia’s recruitment campaign targets Central African nations Defense Express The UK Defense Intelligence Analyzes How russia Expands Recruitment Drive to Africa
russia’s recruitment campaign targets Central African nations / Photo credit: National Resistance Center of Ukraine

This recruitment campaign is likely to replace russian battlefield losses, which are significant, and to sustain offensive activity in multiple axes across the front. With russia’s finite pool of convict recruitment likely culminated, russia is likely expanding its recruitment across the global south, to avoid additional mobilizations within russia itself. As well as being domestically unpopular for President Putin and the russian government, the previous mobilization for the war resulted in a record labour shortage and an exodus of skilled workers such as doctors and IT professionals.

Read more: ​The UK Defense Intelligence: russia Deploys Africa Corps to Ukraine’s Northeastern Front
Read more: ​African Corps of russian Mercenaries Participates in Offensive Against Kharkiv Oblast
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