
​African Corps of russian Mercenaries Participates in Offensive Against Kharkiv Oblast

russians use African mercenaries as "cannon fodder" / Photo credit: Military Africa
russians use African mercenaries as "cannon fodder" / Photo credit: Military Africa

russians use African mercenaries as "cannon fodder", as a result they suffer heavy casualties

The Atesh partisan movement reported on its Telegram channel that russia was using the African Corps in the offensive against Kharkiv Oblast and that mercenaries were suffering huge losses.

The mercenaries were not prepared for such a war. russians send them to the advance units, knowing that most of them will not return from the assaults.

Read more: ​russian Invaders Transport BM-21 Grad from Temporarily Occupied Crimea to the Territory of Ukraine`s Mainland

"We could see all the preparation of this corps at the parade, where 20 men performed their traditional military dance," the Atesh reported.

According to Ukrainian partisans, mercenaries who have already fought in Mali and Libya are also present in Kharkiv Oblast.

"russians are recruiting and enlisting mercenaries from poor countries in an attempt to compensate for their losses. All countries in the world should consider whether to engage with such a country," the statement reads.

Earlier Defense Express reported that russian command was massively using conscripts in battles in Ukraine.

Read more: ​Missile Depot for Air Defense Found by Ukrainian Partisans in Temporarily Occupied Crimea