
​The russians Choose Interesting Location for the Tor M2KM System in Crimea (Photos)

russian Tor M2KM system / Photo credit: The Atesh movement
russian Tor M2KM system / Photo credit: The Atesh movement

This deployment prioritizes military interests over civilian lives

The Atesh movement has detected the Tor M2KM air defense missile system in Sevastopol. The choice of location for this deployment raises significant concerns. Positioned right above a beach, the missile system is in close proximity to civilian areas, once again placing local residents at risk.

The placement jeopardizes the safety of civilians, who could become collateral damage in potential military strikes aimed at neutralizing the missile system.

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The location of russian Tor M2KM system Defense Express The russians Choose Interesting Location for the Tor M2KM System in Crimea (Photos)
The location of russian Tor M2KM system / Photo credit: The Atesh movement

The Tor M2KM is a mobile air defense system designed to counter a variety of aerial threats. Its deployment in Sevastopol is seen as a strategic move by the russians to bolster their defensive capabilities in the region. However, this could also make the area a focal point for military action.

russian Tor M2KM system Defense Express The russians Choose Interesting Location for the Tor M2KM System in Crimea (Photos)
russian Tor M2KM system / Photo credit: The Atesh movement
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