
​The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine: Gift for Putin Initiative Raises Funds for Black Hawk Helicopter

The Black Hawk helicopter / Photo credit: ​Josef Kadela
The Black Hawk helicopter / Photo credit: ​Josef Kadela

The Gift for Putin initiative, a Czech-based fundraising campaign, has successfully raised over €400,000 in the first week of its efforts to purchase a Black Hawk helicopter

The Gift for Putin initiative announced a fundraiser to purchase a Black Hawk helicopter for the warriors of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The helicopter will be used to transport troops, evacuate wounded soldiers and provide combat support.

In the first week, caring Czechs and Slovaks donated over €400,000 to the helicopter. Its total cost is about €4.3 million.

Read more: The Pentagon Described the "Bureaucratic Hell" That Awaits the V-280 Valor Tiltrotor Aircraft, Which Are Supposed to Replace the Black Hawk

According to the organizers, the helicopter has already been inspected by Ukrainian aviation experts – it is in good condition and ready to perform combat missions.

As soon as the necessary amount for the purchase is collected, the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic will deliver the Black Hawk to the Ukrainian intelligence.

The Black Hawk helicopter Defense Express The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine: Gift for Putin Initiative Raises Funds for Black Hawk Helicopter
The Black Hawk helicopter / Photo credit: Josef Kadela

The Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine already has one such helicopter in its fleet, which helps to perform combat and special tasks, missions to deliver military cargo and personnel, conduct electronic warfare and also evacuate the wounded.

Earlier, within the framework of the Gift for Putin initiative, the Czechs had already donated to the purchase of 15 Viktor air defense systems, a T-72 tank and an RM-70 MLRS for the Armed Forces of Ukraine for a total cost of $2.3 million.

“We express our gratitude to our friends from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, to all citizens of European countries, who are helping to repel the terrorist invasion from Moscow, to defend Ukraine and the entire united Europe from the regime of russian war criminals,” the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine wrote.

Read more: ​More Details About Ukrainian Black Hawk: Hours for Pilot Training, Combat Missions and Suggestive Livery (Video)