
​The Armed Forces of Ukraine Destroyed Over Two Dozen of Drones and the Kh-59 Missile

The consequences of night attack on November 3 / Photo credit: The State Emergency Service of Ukraine
The consequences of night attack on November 3 / Photo credit: The State Emergency Service of Ukraine

Overnight attack on November 3 was thwarted by fighter aircraft, anti-aircraft missile troops and mobile fire units

In the early hours of November 3, 2023, russian forces launched a coordinated airstrike on Ukraine using a combination of drones and missiles.

The Kh-59MK2 missile Defense Express The Armed Forces of Ukraine Destroyed Over Two Dozen of Drones and the Kh-59 Missile
The Kh-59MK2 missile / Photo credit: Allocer

The attack began with a wave of Shahed-136/131 drones, which were launched from the Kursk region of russia and from the Primorsko-Akhtarsk area of russia. The drones were launched in small groups at different altitudes in order to evade Ukrainian air defenses.

Read more: ​The Armed Forces of Ukraine Destroyed Over a Dozen of Drones and 2 Guided Aviation Missiles

In addition to the drones, the russian forces also used at least one K-59 guided air-to-surface missile, which was launched from the airspace of occupied Kherson region.

The consequences of night attack on November 3 Defense Express The Armed Forces of Ukraine Destroyed Over Two Dozen of Drones and the Kh-59 Missile
The consequences of night attack on November 3 / Photo credit: The State Emergency Service of Ukraine

The Ukrainian Air Force and air defense units responded quickly to the attack, and were able to destroy 24 of the Shahed-136/131 drones and one Kh-59 missile.

The defense against this aerial assault involved the engagement of fighter aircraft, anti-aircraft missile troops and mobile fire units belonging to the Air Force and Defense Forces of Ukraine.

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