
russians Conduct Continuous Assaults and Use Phosphorus Bombs in Battle for Avdiivka

Screenshot of the video of the Third Separate Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Screenshot of the video of the Third Separate Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The situation in Avdiivka is complicated, but controlled. Fierce battles are taking place within the city limits. Ukrainian troops use all available forces and means to deter the enemy

russian occupiers are using phosphorus munitions, causing fuel tankers to catch fire. Poisonous smog is spreading throughout the entire territory of the Avdiivka Coke and Chemical Plant.

This is reported by the Third Separate Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Telegram, posting the corresponding video.

Read more: ​One of Ukraine's Strongest Assault Brigades sent to Avdiivka to Confront russian Invaders

"60 aerial bombs – day and night, enemy artillery and MLRS attacks. Continuous assaults with armored vehicles and enemy infantry. But our units continue to bravely resist the enemy, defend, and inflict record losses on the adversary," the Third Assault Brigade said.

Footage captured by the fighters of the Third Separate Assault Brigade also shows Ukrainian military personnel taking cover inside a coke plant from constant enemy shelling, while medics stabilize the wounded. "Even when the ceiling is showered with constant airstrikes," the post states.

Read more: Chronicle of russia's Bloodiest War Crimes in Ukraine in 2023