
​russian Forces Seek Recruits for a Phantom Battalion in Zaporizhzhia Region

Local resistance undermines efforts to reestablish the Sudoplatov Volunteer Battalion / Photo credit: National Resistance Center of Ukraine
Local resistance undermines efforts to reestablish the Sudoplatov Volunteer Battalion / Photo credit: National Resistance Center of Ukraine

Local resistance undermines efforts to reestablish the Sudoplatov Volunteer Battalion

In temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia region, russian forces are trying to enlist Ukrainians into what they call the Sudoplatov Volunteer Battalion, National Resistance Center of Ukraine reports.

This battalion, established in 2022 primarily for propaganda purposes, never had the personnel to function as a true battalion, operating more like a company comprised of russians and a small number of mercenaries.

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Local resistance undermines efforts to reestablish the Sudoplatov Volunteer Battalion Defense Express
Local resistance undermines efforts to reestablish the Sudoplatov Volunteer Battalion / open source

The local population largely resisted joining the occupiers, with only a few collaborators participating. As a result, after two years marked by losses and desertions, the battalion has effectively ceased to exist, leaving behind only a criminal investigation into the embezzlement of funds meant for its upkeep.

Despite this, the occupation authorities remain determined to recruit enough individuals to reestablish at least a company, likely in hopes of securing further funding. This recruitment effort is a violation of international law, as it constitutes an unlawful attempt to conscript the local population.

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