
russian Deep-Sea Vehicle Collied with its Own Ship in the Norwegian Sea

Chaotic deployment damages russian deep-sea vehicle / Photo credit: The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine
Chaotic deployment damages russian deep-sea vehicle / Photo credit: The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

Chaotic deployment damages russian deep-sea vehicle

On July 1, 2024, a significant accident occurred in the waters of the Norwegian Sea during trials involving modernized russian AS-36 deep-sea vehicle. The vehicle, which underwent extensive modernization at the Kanonersky Shiprepairing Yard in Saint Petersburg starting in 2017, suffered damage that halted further trials.

The AS-36 vehicle was being deployed from the Mikhail Rudnitsky rescue ship, which is part of the Northern Fleet of the russian federation. During the lowering process, the crew of the Mikhail Rudnitsky ship lost control of the vehicle, resulting in a collision between the ship and the AS-36 vehicle.

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The AS-36 deep-sea vehicle Defense Express russian Deep-Sea Vehicle Collied with its Own Ship in the Norwegian Sea
The AS-36 deep-sea vehicle / open source

The damage sustained by the AS-36 vehicle from the collision is significant enough to prevent the continuation of the planned trials. The russian authorities are currently evaluating the extent of the damage and estimating the time required for repairs.

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