
russia Boosts Special Forces Presence in Ukraine's TOT, While Yellow Ribbon Movement Demonstrate Resistance Against Occupiers

The Yellow Ribbon movement
The Yellow Ribbon movement

New units of russian security forces are arriving in Ukraine's temporarily occupied territories (TOT)

Specifically, deployments of police units and reinforced russian Guard detachments have been observed in the TOT. The russian Federal Security Service (FSB) has been assigned overall control of these units, National Resistance Center of Ukraine reports.

Defense Express
Photo credit: National Resistance Center of Ukraine

The primary objective is to suppress any underground activity that could disrupt the upcoming russian presidential elections.

Read more: ​10,000 russian National Guard Troops Arrived to Temporarily Occupied Territories

At the same time, activists of the Yellow Ribbon movement prove that resistance against the russian aggressors continues.

Yellow ribbons and patriotic posters are increasingly appearing on the streets of the temporarily occupied cities of Donbas.

Defense Express
Photo credit: The Yellow Ribbon movement

“For years, the occupiers have been claiming that there is no resistance in the temporarily occupied territories, and we are proving that this is another lie. Donbas will be free from the occupiers. Donbas is waiting for the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” the Yellow Ribbon states.

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