
New Evident of Russian Provocation in Olenivka Colony (Satellite images)

Sat images of Olenivka prison in Russia-occupied Donetsk region of Ukraine where at least 50 Ukrainian POWs were killed July 30. Photo Maxar
Sat images of Olenivka prison in Russia-occupied Donetsk region of Ukraine where at least 50 Ukrainian POWs were killed July 30. Photo Maxar

According to the satellite images, barrack in Olenivka colony was blown up by Russians

Politico journalist Christopher Miller posted a set of satellite images of the Olenivka penal colony, where Ukrainian prisoners of war were being held, before and after the blast that destroyed the building on the night of July 29, killing more then 50 of Ukrainian servicemen. The journalist shared the news on Twitter.

Prison in Olenivka after the shelling / Photo from open sources
Prison in Olenivka after the shelling / Photo from open sources

"New sat images of Olenivka prison in Russia-occupied Donetsk region of Ukraine where at least 50 Ukrainian POWs were killed in an attack that Kyiv says — and preliminary evidence suggests — Russian forces carried out. Before, pics 1 & 3: July 27. After, 2 & 4: July 30,” the tweet reads, adding that the images were provided by Maxar.

Read more: ​russian Occupiers Brought Some Debris From HIMARS Rockets, Yet They Admit That the Explosion in Olenivka Was From Inside the Building

As can be seen from the satellite images, no other building was damaged on the colony’s premises but the one in which the Ukrainian POWS were being held.

As reported, an explosion rang out on the territory of a former correctional colony in the temporarily occupied settlement of Olenivka, Donetsk region, overnight Friday, destroying the barrack where the Ukrainian prisoners of war were being held.

Ukrainian intelligence suggested it was mercenaries with the Wagner Private Military Company, integrated into the Russian invasion forces, who killed the POWs.

The prison in Yelenovka after the shelling / Photo from open sources
The prison in Yelenovka after the shelling / Photo from open sources

As noted by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian military deliberately destroyed the barrack with Ukrainian POWs in it.

Read more: ​russians Deliberately Shelled Prison Where They Tortured And Shot Ukrainian POWs