
​Introduction of Innovative UAVs, Robotic Platforms into Ukrainian Forces Is Top Priority – CinC Syrskii

Ratel S robotic platform / Photo credit: instagram.com/ratel.ukraine
Ratel S robotic platform / Photo credit: instagram.com/ratel.ukraine

Ukrainian developers are doing everything possible to provide Ukrainian troops with effective robotic systems as soon as possible

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskii has recently visited at one of the training centers of Ukrainian troops. Pilot trials of various forms of ground and airborne robotic and unmanned systems integrated use in real combat conditions took place there. He announced this on his official Facebook page.

He noted that this is a very important project and that Ukraine has made initial progress in its implementation.

Read more: U.S. is Making ERAM Hybrid of Missile and Bomb for Ukraine, Deadlines Revealed
Introduction of Innovative UAVs, Robotic Platforms into Ukrainian Forces Is Top Priority – CinC Syrskii, Defense Express
Oleksandr Syrskii visited Ukrainian troops' training center / Photo credit: the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Syrskii also noted that one of the features of modern war is the active use of robotic and unmanned systems in the combat order of a combined arms unit with a purpose to ensure the withdrawal of personnel from the most dangerous areas and their replacement by robots.

"My highest priority is the rapid practical introduction of innovative ground- and airborne unmanned and robotic combat platforms into the troops," Syrskii stated.

The team of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine is also making efforts to prepare systemic solutions for robotic platforms` effective use.

"Our goal is to shorten the path of a technical invention (innovative idea) from the laboratory to the production shop and then to the combat unit as much as possible," Colonel General noted.

Introduction of Innovative UAVs, Robotic Platforms into Ukrainian Forces Is Top Priority – CinC Syrskii, Defense Express
Syrskii thanked all those who involved into improving the combat effectiveness of Ukrainian units / Photo credit: the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Commander-in-Chief thanked all those who involved for their contribution to improving the combat effectiveness of Ukrainian units.

It is noted that the next step is to develop tactics for the use of combat ground robotic systems, prepare calculations and scale up such units in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, develop techniques and methods of operation of unmanned systems in various types of hostilities.

Earlier Defense Express reported that U.S. was making ERAM hybrid of missile and bomb for Ukraine.

Read more: ​Why Everyone's So Excited About the New XRQ-73 with Propellers (Photo)