
How Serious Is the Threat to Ukraine From Iranian Fath-360 Missiles in russia's Arsenal?

Fath-360 missiles launcher / Open source illustrative photo
Fath-360 missiles launcher / Open source illustrative photo

What can be expected from these missiles and how russians can use them

Over the past few days, there have been reports in the media that Iran is preparing to transfer a certain number of tactical ballistic missiles to russia. Summarizing all the details provided in these publications, we can conclude that the threat is real and Ukraine may face it in the next few weeks.

According to the Times, over the past few weeks russian troops have been training in Iran. As Defense Express, we can assume that the question was not only about teaching how to use the transferred missiles, but also, for example, to overcome a certain cognitive barrier that russian military might have.

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How Serious Is the Threat to Ukraine From Iranian Fath-360 Missiles in russia's Arsenal?, Defense Express
Launch of Fath-360 missile / Open source illustrative photo

It should be noted that such a cognitive barrier could exist: russian propaganda has repeatedly stated that the DPRK's missile program "has outgrown" of the Soviet model; but this cannot be said of Iranian weapons.

Speaking of missiles that Moscow could have received from Tehran, it should be mentioned that in early September this year, russians received 200 Fath-360 tactical ballistic missiles. Most likely, they were delivered by sea to one of russian ports of the Caspian Sea.

Here are some of the characteristics of the Fath-360 missile that are publicly available: launch weight - 787 kilograms, warhead weight - 150 kilograms, flight speed - Mach 4, guidance system consists of a combination of inertial guidance system and satellite navigation. It is known that these missiles can also be designated as BM-120.

How Serious Is the Threat to Ukraine From Iranian Fath-360 Missiles in russia's Arsenal?, Defense Express
Fath-360 and Fateh-110 missiles

It should be noted that the Fath-360 is a smaller copy of the longer-range Fateh-110 missiles.

Based on the characteristics of the Fath-360, it can also be assumed that these missiles can be used by russians in the fighting in the East, to strike at the positions of Ukrainian troops, or to strike at frontline cities such as Pokrovsk, Sumy, and Kharkiv.

At the same time, we should not dismiss the possibility that russians and Iranians could have used certain disinformation measures in the process of transferring missile technology. Therefore, the more powerful Fateh-110 could have been transferred instead of the Fath-360.

Earlier Defense Express reported that russia had sent S-400 SAM systems and specialists to Iran to protect nuclear facilities.

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