
First Ukrainian Pilots Who Trained on F-16s Graduate From Royal Air Force Flight Training, the UK Ministry of Defense Posts Photos

The graduation of the first Ukrainian pilots who trained on F-16s / All photos: facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua
The graduation of the first Ukrainian pilots who trained on F-16s / All photos: facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua

The 10 Ukrainian pilots received basic flying, ground school and language training in the UK

This is reported by the press service of the UK Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As noted by the department, after this, Ukrainian pilots will move to advanced flying training provided by the French Air Force.

Read more: Amid Challenges, Six Out of 45 Promised European F-16s Set to Reach Ukraine by June

This effort is a key UK contribution to the Air Capability Coalition, co-led by the United States, Denmark and the Netherlands.

Secretary of State for Defense, Grant Shapps said: "I would like to congratulate these brave pilots on completing their initial training here in the UK. Thanks to the world-renowned skills of RAF, these pilots have received some of the best training available and are now a step closer to joining the fight against putin’s illegal invasion. Ukraine has been using its Air Force to devastate effect, degrading the russian Black Sea Fleet and severely damaging its Headquarters. "

"As part of their training, the pilots were taught general aircraft handling, flying by the aircraft’s instruments, low level navigation and advanced formation flying by experienced RAF instructors. Having worked closely with the French Air Force to align our training programs, the pilots will now continue to France to conduct advanced flight training before they progress to training on the F-16 aircraft itself," the UK Ministry of Defense states.

The trainees join more than 60,000 Ukrainians who have received training in the UK, including 36,000 recruits since 2022 through Operation Interflex.

Read more: ​A Video of How Ukrainian Pilots Train on F-16 Fighter Jets in Denmark Goes Viral on the Internet