
Defenders of Ukraine Discovered, Destroyed russian Field Depot with Mines in Southern Direction

Ukrainian border guards / Open source photo
Ukrainian border guards / Open source photo

The warehouse where the russian occupiers stored anti-tank mines was completely destroyed by Ukrainian border guards

This was reported by State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

"It's a magical fire show! The enemy`s field depot of anti-tank mines flew into the air," the border guards reported.

Read more: ​Defenders of Ukraine Showed How They Hit Equipment of russian Invaders on the First Try

According to the State Border Guard Service, border guards' aerial reconnaissance unit discovered a camouflaged field depot of anti-tank mines in the south of Ukraine.

Defenders of Ukraine Discovered, Destroyed russian Field Depot with Mines in Southern Direction, Defense Express
Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance / Open source photo

"Along with the artillerymen defenders destroyed it," the report stated.

russia's losses in the war in Ukraine as of November 26, amount to 1,070 occupiers, bringing the total number of russian army losses since the beginning of the invasion to 324,830. The Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 93 drones as well.

Defenders of Ukraine Discovered, Destroyed russian Field Depot with Mines in Southern Direction, Defense Express
Destroyed russian field depot as well as vehicles / Open source photo

In particular, according to Operational Command "South" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated 47 occupiers, 1 tank, 1 BTR-82 APC, 1 Grad MLRS, 4 cannons, 3 vehicles in this area. In addition, 3 field supply facilities as well as 8 observation posts were destroyed. Defenders of Ukraine liquidated 639 russian invaders over the day, and 13 more were captured in Tavriya sector as well.

Throughout the time of November 20-26, the Ukrainian troops killed 6,260 russian soldiers. The Armed Forces of Ukraine also managed to destroy 146 UAVs, 130 artillery systems as well as 78 tanks.

Earlier Defense Express reported about 641 Days of russia-Ukraine War and russian Casualties In Ukraine.

Read more: Ukrainian Military Told How Many Targets Were Destroyed, Hit In Two Months by FPV Drones in Just One Brigade