
​Defenders of Ukraine Continue to Slaughter russian Alligators, Another K-52 Shot Down

​Defenders of Ukraine Continue to Slaughter russian Alligators, Another K-52 Shot Down

Despite the day off, Ukrainian warriors continue to destroy the Russian invaders on Ukrainian land. Another Russia’s Ka-52 "Alligator" attack helicopter (NATO reporting name: Hokum B) was shot down o Sunday, June 18, 2023

That is according to the statement on the official page of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook.

"Good evening, we are from Ukraine! Another Russia’s Ka-52 "Alligator" helicopter was shot down this afternoon. The budget of the Russian Federation was cut by about $16 million. Glory to Ukraine," the statement reads.

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This is the third helicopter of the type that Russians lost during latetst day and a half and the 305th enemy helicopter eliminated by defenders of Ukraine since Fabruary 24, 2022, when russia started this unprovoked full-scale war. We have just reported that two russian Ka-52 attack helicopters shot down over the past day and a half as the next one came.

russia's Ka-52 during the war against Ukraine, Defenders of Ukraine Continue to Slaughter russian Alligators, Another K-52 Shot Down, Defense Express
russia's Ka-52 during the war against Ukraine / Illustrative photo from open sources

Defense Express reported, that russians Changed the Tactics of Using Ka-52 After Losing at Least 20% of Such Helicopters. We also wrote Why russian Ka-52 Helicopters' Electronics See Combines As Tanks. It also could be interesting for you that Russian Helicopter Ka-52 Could be Shot Down by a Rifle.

Read more: It Became Known How Many Units russia Lost in Tavria Direction Last Day