The agreement was signed on April 8 during the British-Ukrainian Defense Cooperation Conference in Kyiv.
"This reduces the logistical burden for the Defense Forces - previously, the repair and maintenance of this equipment took place abroad and took a lot of time. It attracts partner funds and leaves them in Ukraine. In addition, localization of repair and maintenance is the first step towards localization of production," Alexander Kamyshin said.
Read more: BAE Systems Told How Quickly It Is Possible to Organize Production of Spare Parts For L119 Howitzers In Ukraine
The L119 is a light gun/howitzer capable of providing either direct fire support at armored vehicles or buildings or indirect fire in support of the combat arms at ranges in excess of 10 km.

The L119 light gun has proved to be a trusted system that Ukrainian forces have favored because of its accurate firepower, light weight, low logistical requirements and mobility.

Gabby Costigan, Managing Director of Business Development at BAE Systems, called the signing of the agreement a basis "for us to in the future continue to add more capabilities, so that we can repair more equipment forward, so that it can remain in the fight for Ukraine".
"We’re extremely proud to work with the UK Government in supporting Ukraine’s long term defense requirements. Our experience providing support in challenging environments as well as our leading defensive cyber capabilities mean we’ve played a leading role in identifying solutions that will help Ukraine secure victory, and we look forward to strengthening our relationship further".
According to her, the Ukrainian Armed Forces operate 17 different BAE Systems systems, so the company wants as many of these systems as possible to be repaired domestically in the future.

Earlier Defense Express reported that The Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine and the British transnational defense giant BAE Systems have signed a cooperation agreement for the localization of arms production.
Read more: Repair and Modernization for Ukrainian HAWK missiles: Sale Agreed, Money Allocated