
​Russian the Pyotr Velikiy Nuclear-Powered Cruiser Will be Decommissioned Instead of Participating in Naval Parade

russian nuclear cruiser "Peter the Great" / Illustrative photo of pre-war times
russian nuclear cruiser "Peter the Great" / Illustrative photo of pre-war times

The ship's crew has already been reduced to a minimum, although there is still no new flagship of the Russian fleet

The russian propagandist media writes that the command of the russian Navy has made a "principle decision" to withdraw it’s the only the Pyotr Velikiy nuclear cruiser of project 1144 "Orlan" from the fleet. Until now, this ship served as the flagship of the Northern Fleet and was the largest warship in the Russian fleet.

It is noted that as of this time, a relatively small part of the crew, which maintains the viability of the ship's systems, remained on board of the Pyotr Velikiy.

Read more: ​Exactly One Year Ago Ukraine’s Naval Forces Sent the Moskva Cruiser to Bottom with the Neptune ASM
Production of tanks at Uralvagonzavod, Russian the Pyotr Velikiy Nuclear-Powered Cruiser Will be Decommissioned Instead of participating in the White Sea Parade, Defense Express
The russian the Admiral Nakhimov nuclear cruiser is undergoing permanent repairs / Photo from open sources

Finally, this cruiser should be decommissioned after the Admiral Nakhimov nuclear cruiser of the same type, which has been under repair for 25 years, returns to the russian Navy. Repair work on this cruiser is planned to be completed, at best, no earlier than the end of 2023.

It is interesting that the Kremlin's propaganda for a long time talked about large-scale plans to modernize the Pyotr Velikiy nuclear cruise, which included, in particular, updating the armament with the possibility of installing launchers for 80 "Caliber" missiles or 40 "Zircon" missiles.

Russian the Pyotr Velikiy Nuclear-Powered Cruiser Will be Decommissioned Instead of participating in the White Sea Parade, Defense Express
Ships of the Northern Fleet of the russian Navy in the port of Severodvinsk, in particular the nuclear cruiser "Peter the Great", April 5, 2023 / Photo: twitter profile MT_Anderson

But in April 2023, it turned out that the flagship nuclear cruiser of the russians has been rusting for a long time near its mooring at the base in Severodvinsk, although usually the russian Navy quite often took such a ship out to sea "to flex its muscles" in front of NATO.

In addition to everything else, the above means that this year, during the traditional parade held in St. Petersburg on the Day of the russian Navy (usually held on July 30, 2023), the Kremlin will be forced to refuse not only participation in the parade of nuclear submarines, but the Pyotr Velikiy nuclear cruiser too.

Russian Navy the Pyotr Velikiy nuclear cruiser and TK-208, Russian the Pyotr Velikiy Nuclear-Powered Cruiser Will be Decommissioned Instead of participating in the White Sea Parade, Defense Express
Russian Navy the Pyotr Velikiy nuclear cruiser and TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" nuclear submarine, which were often used for naval parades in St. Petersburg / Archive photo from open sources

The Pyotr Velikiy nuclear-powered cruiser of project 1144 "Orlan" was launched back in 1989, but was put into service with the Russian Navy only in 1998, because the completion took almost 10 years. But, if we count from the moment of launching, then, in fact, the ship has been in service for more than 32 years.

This cruiser has a full displacement of 25,000 tons with a hull length of 25 meters, and a crew of 744 people. But the ship's armament was morally outdated, as its main armament was 20 anti-ship missiles of the P-700 "Granit" type.

It is obvious that the main factors that could prompt the Russian military leadership to make a decision to decommission the Pyotr Velikiy flagship nuclear cruiser were: the physical obsolescence of the hull and the moral obsolescence of the weapons. So, another russian warship is went after the Moskva missile cruiser destroyed earlier by the Ukrainians.

The Pyotr Velikiy nuclear cruiser / Archival photo from open sources, Russian the Pyotr Velikiy Nuclear-Powered Cruiser Will be Decommissioned Instead of participating in the White Sea Parade, Defense Express
The Pyotr Velikiy nuclear cruiser / Archival photo from open sources
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