“Putin wages war not only against Ukraine, but against the democracy as such. This is the war of darkness against light, the war between slavery and freedom. This is the war of dictatorship and democracy. There is but one option – to prevail in this war. So, we must unite our efforts and defend democracy and freedom across the world at any cost”, emphasized Arseniy Yatsenyuk, head of the Kyiv Security Forum, addressing the participants of the forum.
He addressed international partners: “We are fighting for your security, for your freedoms, for your economy, for your sovereignty”.
Read more: Chronicle of the russian federation Crimes in Ukraine (December)

“Ukraine receives increased support and aid from the Western world. And my message to our Western friends is that by investing in Ukraine, you are investing in your own security and defense. This is the best investment in protecting your homeland – supporting Ukraine. So, munitions, weapons and even, I would call it – energy weapons: energy shields, mechanisms that will help Ukraine survive this winter. This is of great importance,” he said.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk emphasized the importance of creating a special court to “bring to justice the russian military and russian elites, those who committed crimes against humanity and war crimes”: “To demonstrate to other dictators across the world – the ones who now closely follow what is happening, guessing who wins and how it all ends – to send a message to everyone in the world who supports autocracy and dictatorship – that they will be brought to justice.”
“It should be both criminal and financial responsibility. The imposed sanctions must be reinforced, and all russian assets must be confiscated. Russia must be made liable and pay for the rebuilding of Ukraine,” the head of the KBF emphasized.

“We have to think about the future, the day after tomorrow. What a new world should emerge, how can we rebuild Ukraine and make it a constituent part of the NATO and the EU. And in this way, both NATO and the EU will be strengthened. It is necessary to think how to demilitarize, de-imperialize and denazify russia. Because modern russia is a threat to the world order. Modern russia is a threat to global democracy and freedom. One must think how to make the UN stronger and more effective”, he stressed.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk stressed that “the new world democratic order” must be capable of protecting our freedoms”: “Those who commit war crimes and atrocities must be punished. The world order that gives prosperity and peace to the whole world. And Ukraine is the flagship in this new wave of the new world and the new world structure.”
The main slogan of this year’s KSF is “All for Victory”. It is a platform where prominent international and Ukrainian politicians, diplomats and experts are discussing the key challenges in defending Ukraine and strengthening international solidarity against the russians as they attacking Ukraine.
Kyiv Security Forum is Ukraine’s foremost platform for high-level international discussion about Ukrainian and global security issues. KSF was founded by the Arseniy Yatsenyuk Open Ukraine Foundation.
Read more: Everything for Victory: The Problems of War and Peace, National and World Security Were Discussed in Kyiv (Video)