
​Ukraine Has Already Received 500 Trains with Weapons and Ammunition Sent by the USA, Western Countries

The Czech Republic is preparing to send T-72 tanks and BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, April 2022 / Illustrative photo from open sources
The Czech Republic is preparing to send T-72 tanks and BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, April 2022 / Illustrative photo from open sources

NATO has limited opportunities to deliver troops and weapons to the border with Ukraine, the US military is working to solve this problem

In 2022, Ukraine received 500 trains with weapons and ammunition sent by Western countries. The delivery of these cargoes was ensured by the US military. This was stated by US Army Colonel Todd Ellison during the Railway Direction Days 2022 forum, the Polish portal Rynek Kolejowy reports.

It is noted that the railway was used for transshipment of those goods that were delivered to the Armed Forces of Ukraine by sea transport. The publication estimated that the figure of half a thousand military echelons for Ukraine is actually quite high for the infrastructure of NATO countries, taking into account the "bottlenecks" that still exist in the military logistics system of the Alliance states. For example, the lion's share of railways in Europe is tied to electric traction, although practice shows that it is better to have more diesel locomotives for the stability of the delivery of military cargo.

Read more: ​For a While U.S. Has Been Delivering Weapons to Ukraine By Sea and Railway, and the Scale is Impressive
Delivery by rail of the Slovak S-300 system’s vehicles to Ukraine, spring 2022, Ukraine Has Already Received 500 Trains with Weapons and Ammunition Sent by the USA, Western Countries, Defense Express
Delivery by rail of the Slovak S-300 system’s vehicles to Ukraine, spring 2022 / Photo from open sources

A separate problem is that in the countries of Eastern Europe, the density of the railway network is too low to satisfy all the needs of NATO - in particular, to organize prompt delivery of military cargo for Ukraine. This problem is also relevant in view of the possibility of the need for rapid delivery of troops in the event of an attack by the Kremlin through the Suwałki Gap. Also, the matter seems to be complicated by the fact that the "European" track gauge of 1435 mm and so called the Soviet standard track gauge of 1520 mm are still used simultaneously on the "eastern flank" of the Alliance.

It is noted that American military logisticians and their colleagues from the armies of European countries over the past 8 years, starting in 2014, have done a lot to expand the so-called "bottlenecks" of the military logistics system. Without this, the delivery of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine by rail could come to a standstill. It should be noted that the work on improving the infrastructure system continues even now.

An echelon with Slovenian BMP M-80A IFVs is heading to Ukraine, June 2022, Ukraine Has Already Received 500 Trains with Weapons and Ammunition Sent by the USA, Western Countries, Defense Express
An echelon with Slovenian BMP M-80A IFVs is heading to Ukraine, June 2022 / Photo credit: Portal 24Ur.com

The figure of 500 echelons with military aid for Ukraine actually looks impressive. Especially if you remember that until now the US Army Transportation Command talked about only 141 delivered cargo trains for the Armed Forces of Ukraine last year. Most likely, the figure of 500 echelons also includes supplies from other NATO countries, which also contribute to the strengthening of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Read more: The German Rheinmetall is Ready to Send Many Shells for Tanks for Ukraine