
The UK Defense Intelligence: Ukraine Maintains Advantage in Land Combat, Other Factors Are Equal

Recent operations have continued to show that Ukrainian defenders have an advantage in land combat, other factors being equal / Photo credit: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
Recent operations have continued to show that Ukrainian defenders have an advantage in land combat, other factors being equal / Photo credit: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Recent operations have continued to show that Ukrainian defenders have an advantage in land combat, other factors being equal

Operations in recent weeks have seen the continuation of a trend which has been identified since early in the war: other factors being equal, the balance of land combat generally favours the defending force. In the south, the Ukrainian advance remains relatively static between the two main lines of russia’s well prepared defensive positions. Around the Donetsk town of Avdiivka, a large-scale russian assault has floundered on strong Ukrainian defenses, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

A major factor in this phenomenon has highly likely been the relative side-lining of tactical air power: both sides have maintained credible air defenses, preventing combat jets from providing effective air support for assaults.

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Recent operations have continued to show that Ukrainian defenders have an advantage in land combat, other factors being equal Defense Express The UK Defense Intelligence: Ukraine Maintains Advantage in Land Combat, Other Factors Are Equal
Recent operations have continued to show that Ukrainian defenders have an advantage in land combat, other factors being equal / Photo credit: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Above all, the geographic size of the conflict has hampered the offensives: both sides have struggled to assemble uncommitted striking forces capable of a breakthrough because most of their mobilised troops are needed to hold the 1,200 km line of contact.

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