
​The UK Defense Intelligence Reports on russia’s Deployment of Small One-Way-Attack Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

The  Lancet small one-way-attack unmanned aerial vehicle / open source
The Lancet small one-way-attack unmanned aerial vehicle / open source

Small one-way-attack drones have become a game changer in the war in Ukraine

Russia’s Lancet small one-way-attack unmanned aerial vehicles (OWA UAVs) have highly likely been one of the most effective new capabilities that russia has fielded in Ukraine over the last 12 months. It is designed to be piloted over enemy territory, waiting until a target is identified, before diving towards it and detonating, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

Lancets are manufactured by the ZALA Aero Group. ZALA also make the small Orlan-10 unarmed UAV, which russia often deploys alongside Lancet drones to spot targets. Ukraine has also experienced success with small OWA UAVs.

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Russia deploys Lancet drones to attack priority targets and they have become increasingly prominent in the key counter-battery fight, striking enemy artillery. Traditionally, russia has used small UAVs mainly for reconnaissance. With its attack capability, Lancet has been a step change in how russia uses this category of weapons.

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