
​The UK Defense Intelligence Evaluated russia’s Ability to Defend the Crimean Bridge

The destruction of the Crimean Bridge, July 2023 / open source
The destruction of the Crimean Bridge, July 2023 / open source

Russian Deputy Prime Minister announces completion of repairs on Crimean Bridge after Ukraine’s 2023 strike

On October 14, 2023, russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin declared that damage from Ukraine’s July 2023 strike on the Crimean Bridge had been repaired ahead of schedule. Although fully operational, use of the bridge remains restricted due to procedures enacted following the first Ukrainian attack in October 2022. Trucks and fuel supplies continue to be moved by ferry, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

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The Crimean Bridge will remain a vital link in sustaining russia’s occupation of Crimea and its forces in the south of Ukraine. However, it is now almost certainly a significant security burden requiring multi-domain protection, including the use of air defense systems and crews who would otherwise be deployed elsewhere. Russian security forces confidence in their ability to protect this large and vulnerable structure will continue to be threatened by the ingenuity of Ukraine’s military and security services.

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