
​Iran Has Already Handed Over 400 Ballistic Missiles to russia - What Could This Mean

Iranian ballistic missiles Fateh-110 / Open source illustrative photo
Iranian ballistic missiles Fateh-110 / Open source illustrative photo

What does this event change in the strategic dimension, and what should be understood

On Wednesday, Fabruary 21 of this year Reuters, with reference to six unnamed sources, reported that Iran has already transferred about 400 ballistic missiles to russia. At the same time, as follows from the text of the original publication, ballistic missiles of the Fateh-110 family, which can have a firing range of 300 to 700 kilometers, are not the only type of such weapons that russian terrorists got.

It is noted that deliveries of Iranian ballistic missiles to the russian federation began at the beginning of January 2024 after several rounds of negotiations held in Moscow and Tehran. At the same time, four deliveries of missiles have already ocured, "and in the next few weeks" several more deliveries should take place.

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Iran Has Already Handed Over 400 Ballistic Missiles to russia, Iranian ballistic missiles Fateh-110, Defense Express
Iranian ballistic missiles Fateh-110 / Open source illustrative photo

It is claimed that some of the missiles were delivered by the Caspian Sea, and some by air transport from Iran to the russia. At the same time, an unnamed Iranian official commented to Reuters that "there will be more deliveries" and that they have the right to export weapons "to any country they wish."

At the moment, there have been no official comments from the US government officials or the Ukrainian military-political leadership on the topic of the transfer of ballistic missiles from Iran to the russian federation. Therefore, for now, only general conclusions and assumptions can be made about this situation.

Iran Has Already Handed Over 400 Ballistic Missiles to russia, Demonstration of the Iranian Ababil ballistic missile mock-up during the Army-2023 forum in russia, Defense Express
Demonstration of the Iranian Ababil ballistic missile mock-up during the Army-2023 forum in russia / Open source photo

To begin with, it should be emphasized that the stated figure of 400 ballistic missiles already received by the russians from Iran is more than the volume of production of this type of weapons at the facilities of the russian military-industrial complex. According to available data, the russian federation is currently capable of producing up to 30 Iskander ballistic missiles per month, or approximately 360 units per year.

Against this background, it is logical to assume that Moscow in response could also start new arms deliveries to Iran, not to mention the possible payment for the delivered ballistic missiles directly. But on the other hand, it is still difficult to say what kind of weapons Moscow could start supplying Tehran with.

Iran Has Already Handed Over 400 Ballistic Missiles to russia, North Korean and Iranian missiles, Defense Express
North Korean and Iranian missiles / Infographic by Norbert Brügge

For example, as of November 2023, it was known that the russian federation had already started supplying Iran with not only Su-35 and Yak-130 aircraft, but also Mi-28 attack helicopters. However, we can also recall some data that Tehran expressed interest in receiving the latest air defense systems and coastal anti-ship missile systems from Moscow.

The main problem of such an "arms transfer" between Iran and the russian federation for Ukraine is that the country does not have enough means to combat ballistic missiles. Therefore, the supply of an additional number of Western anti-missile systems, as well as operational-tactical missile systems for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, is literally a matter of vital necessity.

Earlier Defense Express reported that The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine Revealed that russia Trained on New Iranian Drones in Syria.

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