
Russia’s T-62s In Donetsk: the Number of These Tanks Is Increasing

The T-62 after modernization / Open source photo
The T-62 after modernization / Open source photo

Little by little, the number of T-62’s in the formation of the russian army is increasing, and they are now used not only in the "secondary" areas of the front

Another batch of the modernized T-62 tanks was spotted near Donetsk, the corresponding video with the spotted tanks got into the network.

The tanks were transported on tractors with the Kontakt ERA installed, freshly painted and rail markings. All of that indicate that they have arrived relatively recently from the factory.

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Most likely, these vehicles are intended for units of the 1st Army Corps, which already use these tanks. And if earlier the appearance of the T-62 was perceived as a situational solution to patch holes on the secondary front lines, now these vehicles are directed to the main areas as well.

In particular, for the first time T-62s appeared at the front last year in small numbers and for arming such volunteer secondary units as the Ossetian Battalion "Alania", which operated in Kherson oblast. They were also provided to such units as the Cossack squad "Don".

Russia’s T-62s In Donetsk: the Number of These Tanks Is Increasing, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
The T-62 of the "Alania" battalion

At the same time, the use of the T-62 in more important for russia frontlines was sporadic. In particular, in June, these tanks were seen in small numbers near Severodonetsk. But lack of tanks means that the transition to rare equipment is becoming the norm and an inevitable trend for russia.

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