
​Ukrainian Air Scouts Showed How russians Use Their Lancet UAVs on the Battlefield

The Lancet loitering munition / Open source illustrative photo
The Lancet loitering munition / Open source illustrative photo

The occupiers use ordinary civilian cars with a trailer to launch their the Lancet loitering munition, betting on the mobility of such a launcher

One of the Ukrainian aerial scouts published photos on his Twitter account, in which you can see in detail how the russian military uses its Lancet-type loitering munition on the battlefield, which, in fact, is quite dangerous for the Ukrainian military.

To launch their Lancet loitering munition, the Russians chose a fairly simple solution, taking an ordinary civilian pickup with a trailer, on which they installed a catapult to launch this kamikaze drone.

Read more: Ukraine's Own AWACS Drone Gekata Enters New Development Stage
Deployed launcher of the Lancet-type loitering munition, Defense Express
Deployed launcher of the Lancet-type loitering munition / Photo: @externalPilot

During transportation, the launchers are covered with a camouflage net to make it more difficult to identify from a drone.

This option of using the Lancet loitering munition by the occupiers can be called optimal - it allows you to quickly complete the combat mission and leave the battlefield just as quickly. The main drawback is that you can only launch one drone at a time, and then you have to go back.

Mobile launcher of the Lancet loitering munition during transportation, Defense Express
Mobile launcher of the Lancet loitering munition during transportation / Photo: @externalPilot

As noted by Ukrainian aerial intelligence, such mobile launchers usually operate at a distance of about 15+ km from the front line, so they can be destroyed directly during deployment, although, taking into account the mobility of such a launcher, this is a rather difficult task.

A launcher of the Lancet-type loitering munition, Defense Express
A launcher of the Lancet-type loitering munition / Open source illustrative photo

As Defense Express reported, The russians Destroyed Their T-90M Proryv Tank Using the Lancet UAV But Report That it was a Slovenian M-55S Tank. We also wrote, that Unmanned Kamikaze Boats Became a Real Ukrainian Weapon of Deterrence.

Read more: ​Ukraine Has So Many Kamikaze Boats That a Specialized Brigade Was Created in the Ukrainian Navy